Monday 18 April 2011

Canary Wharf - Art Events, June

Alexander James

Lightbox Gallery, Canada Walk, Canada Place
1 May – 24 June

Photographer Alexander James's environmental series 'Fusion' are beautifully styled floral globes integrated with chemical reactions; flaming shards of energy particles burst through the globe out into the void filling it with new found energy, light and form. Captured ‘in-camera’ without post production either traditional or digital.

Sarah Eyton

Window Gallery, Jubilee Walk, Canary Wharf
29 May – 24 June

Sarah designs beautiful and elegant contemporary jewellery for men and women that makes a statement. “I seek out sheet materials which can be formed with cutting edge technology or traditional methods to create a 3 dimensional shape – the possibilities are endlessly intriguing”.

Elisabeth Bond

Window Gallery, Canada Walk, Canary Wharf
29 May – 24 June

Elisabeth’s woodcuts derive from her observation of the world around her. Pieces of wood are found all over – left by workmen, thrown onto the street. CUTTING LONDON is a response to the wood itself and to the city.

Lauren Wood

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